Real Estate Consulting

In some retail chains, the real estate departments are large and experienced, while in others, the entire real estate function may be just part of the duties of a single individual.

DeFOREST & COMPANY’s Real Estate Consulting Department is geared to meet all or any of the needs your chain may have. Our staff members will work in partnership with your staff to ensure that as a team they address every issue pertinent to expansion.

Our Professionals Have Extensive Experience In All Of The Following Areas

Site Selection
We use a time-tested process to select the best possible sites within the markets you designate. First, we use our extensive contacts with major developers, property owners, and brokers to generate a list of all available sites in those markets which meet your general site requirements. Then, we apply more detailed site and demographic criteria to each site until we pinpoint those whose characteristics best meet your needs.

Using this method, we have successfully selected sites ranging from a few thousand square feet to over 100,000 square feet. We have experience in every kind of retail location: shopping centers, regional malls, central business districts, and freestanding properties.

Lease, Purchase And Sale Negotiations
In the past two decades our Real Estate Consultants have negotiated hundreds of agreements. You’ll be represented by experienced professionals who understand all elements of the process, including determining landlord strengths and weaknesses, evaluating both the short- and long-term real estate market where your sites are located, and negotiating terms that protect your interests if conditions change.

Managing The Marketing Of Excess Properties
If you are planning to sublease sites, terminate leases or sell properties, DeFOREST & COMPANY will manage that process for you. We select experienced brokers, oversee their handling of your properties and ensure that they market your properties aggressively.

Legal Review
We recommend that your legal counsel review contracts when all business points have been resolved. If your own counsel is unavailable or not appropriate, DeFOREST & COMPANY can refer you to our own corporate counsel who specializes in real estate and construction matters.

Let The DeForest & Company Professionals Assist Your Professionals

If your Real Estate staff needs support in any of these areas, talk to DeFOREST & COMPANY today.